Is it your crush bestfriends to get closer to your crush?

2016-09-23 10:38 am
I ain't doing that. Just my friend..I told her not to do It but she still doing it. Any tips/advice? And do you think that one day my friend and her crush best friend will fall in love with each other?
I mean they always talk to each other. They always..touched..each..other mor like the playful hit and stuff..

回答 (5)

2016-09-23 11:52 am
Its not a good strategy. The crush will think she likes the friend and the friend will be getting lead on. Its deceptive and hurtful and it wont get her close to the guy she really likes
2016-09-23 11:11 am
yes nothing wrong
2016-09-23 10:48 am
I think ur friend should make friends with her crushes friends to get closer to him but make sure he doesn't think of her as just friend material or like one of the guys. Tell her not to do it in a way that might backfire (so like don't lie to get in with them or anything)
2016-09-23 10:46 am
It is certain , close your eyes.
2016-09-23 10:45 am
Its playing games and you don't know what will happen ----- if she likes someone tell them don't beat around the bush the longer she does not say anything the more time for him to start dating someone else

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:26:49
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