Do I have food poisoning? or appendicitis?

2016-09-23 8:31 am
So, I started feeling a little queasy yesterday, as in my stomach wasnt feeling too good, around 9 PM last night, I started vomiting, and pooping, as in a liquid type of poo, the vomiting carried on for the rest of the night, but none of them were as worst as my first vomit. I woke up at 12, and all of a sudden my stomach hurt really bad, like really,really bad, it went away, then came back, it kept me awake for 4 hours, and I did vomits again, but didnt vomit very much. Today, I'm experiencing pains in my appendix area, and it sort of hurts to laugh, sometimes hurts to walk, but it dosent hurt to touch, am I mistaking ir for something else? I'm scared and my parents wont take me to the docs, Help?

回答 (2)

2016-09-23 9:34 am
NO ONE can diagnose a total stranger over the internet, dude. Seriously, if it continues, convince your parents to take you to a doctor. If they won't, go to the emergency room and blame them for it later.
2016-09-23 8:34 am
Probably food poisoning. You don't vomit from appendicitis.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:29:21
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