The Nottinghamshire U.K. Police classify misogyny as a hate crime what is the legal punishment for it if it was nonviolent sexual advances?

2016-09-22 5:13 pm
The Nottinghamshire U.K. Police classify what feminists call "misogyny" as a hate crime
this misogyny is "anything man do and a woman claim that she perceive it as threatening or being motivated by hatred or it happens because she is a woman and she is the on targeted by it"
usually this means sexual advances or sexually explicit words or even just whistling to get her Attention
i want to ask
1-how such feminazi sexist law that criminalize man simplest and most basic civil liberty and freedom of movement and expression and gives the women to imprison a man without a real crime are
applied in the uk ?
2-what is the legal punishment for this so called misogyny if it was just nonviolent and nonphysical sexual advances or whistling ?
3-is sexually staring at woman body considerd a misogyny to ?

回答 (5)

2016-09-22 5:31 pm
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"The Nottinghamshire U.K. Police classify misogyny as a hate crime what is the legal punishment for it if it was nonviolent sexual advances?"

I'm not sure of the exact details. But this is a new idea that I find to be a backward trend in our legal Rights and freedoms in the West. It is going back to have society responsible for protecting women's honour (only) just because they are women who ..... seemingly need special protections because they are supposedly unable to look an equal man in the eye and deal with any free (not illegal) expressions against them ?

THIS is what it is about. It is NOT about things that are already illegal. It is the desire to make LEGAL actions that are offensive to women (only) fall under a new law that is so vague, that Stalin would have been proud to come up with it under a police state.

Here is the police definition for misogyny.
“incidents against women that are motivated by an attitude of a man towards a woman and includes behaviour targeted towards a woman by men simply because they are a woman”.

WOW!! What does that even mean? It really means "hey baby ... looking good" will be considered "misogyny" and thus be a crime. And this is because NO one would ever make comments like that illegal in and of themselves. So this new law is just a cover to catch-all these non-niceties as crimes if any woman (only) is so offended.

We are becoming a police state then. The police make these laws in order to have more crime where they can extend their powers down to the level of social interactions. If men now demand the same protection with misandry laws, we will soon be back to the state controlling all of our behaviour. This is where we are heading.

In the future it will be a crime to offend anyone, and women will be forced to dress modestly under some new laws because some men, and many women too, will be "offended" at the display of midriff or boobs by younger women. But feminists are oblivious to this eventual outcome.

Careful what you ask for ... you just might get it.
2016-09-22 5:17 pm
Eh. Leave it in place. Use it to arrest all the Muslim men. I honestly think that's what's happening. They're using feminism to fight Islam but without spelling it out.
2016-09-22 5:27 pm
Se how "for equality" feminism is? misogyny is a "hate crime" but misandry is fine.
2016-09-22 5:16 pm
I suspect you just want feminist-hating answers in this - this is a question for promoting hate against women's rights. I can tell because of the language you use: "how such feminazi sexist law that criminalize man". This hateful language signals that is not a serious question but an opportunity for feminist-haters to promote hate against women's rights and all women in their answers here and they will - we have lots of feminist haters here and you can give them a BA if you want. Is that what you want to do, though?? That is what you are in fact doing when you use this language whether it's your purpose or not. I'm not even going to bother to answer this because I'm a feminist and you never met me but you already seem to hate me just because I believe in human rights for women too.

“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.”

Mark Twain
2016-09-22 7:18 pm
From what I could find out the term of imprisonment could be up to seven years. So if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

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