Fluid Flow Help?

2016-09-21 4:14 am
In March 1996 a special release of water, Q = 45,000 ft^3/s, was made from the Glen Canyon Dam, to create an artificial flood in the Grand Canyon. The flow was through 8 pipes, each with an internal diameter of 8 ft. Estimate the velocity through those pipes. Estimate the average velocity of the river at some point downstream of the dam, where the width of the river was 200 ft and its average depth was 10 ft.

回答 (2)

2016-09-21 5:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'll do the downstream question first. The cross-sectional area of the flow would be 2000 ft^2, so the speed should be about 22 ft/s to accommodate the given Q.

As to the pipes, just find their total area
(8 x pi x (4 ft)^2) and divide it into 45000 ft^3/s to get a velocity.
2016-09-21 3:17 pm
area of each pipe= pi*8^2/4 in^2
area of all pipes= 8*area of each pipe
average velocity through pipes= 45000/area of all pipes in ft^2
river average velocity=45000/(200*10)=22.5 ft/sec

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:09:34
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