What is the difference between a narcissist and an optimist ?

2016-09-20 2:43 pm
I know that an optimist is someone who always sees the bright side of any situation and a Narcissist is a person who is overly self-involved, and often vain and selfish. But in a scenario where the outcome might turn out to be bad, an optimist is confident and hopeful that things will be better and even a narcissist claims that the outcome will be good if a good outcome is going to be in his favor, then how can one differentiate and tell whether its true optimism or a mask of ultra confidence.

回答 (3)

2016-09-21 2:52 pm
a narcissist-is self- centered -no matter what...
an optimist is future-centered- no matter what...
2016-09-20 4:45 pm
an optimist wouldn't be selfish.
2016-09-20 2:45 pm
im none of thoz

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