What do I do?

2016-09-20 3:19 am
I'm 17, almost 18, but I have a woman's body, like, wide hips, small waist and people tend to think I'm 20, 21, and it is very very annoying, men are always checking me out and I get uncomfortable, and I dress pretty normal. Should I just live with it my whole life

回答 (6)

2016-09-20 3:21 am
Here is the thing, you are going to treasure those features in a few years.

At 17/18 you need to realize that your body is basically that of an adult. Over the next few years you are really going to settle into your features but this is pretty much it.

If you don't want people checking you out I recommend baggy tops - considering your small waist will be covered down to your hips and you'll sort of blob out. So things like big sweaters, non-tight shirts, ponchos, etc.
2016-09-20 3:21 am
You only have to live with it until your 20 or 21 then you will look your age.
2016-09-20 4:25 am
join a body building gym
2016-09-20 3:23 am
Womans beauty only lasts about 20 years, so that is not your entire life. If you are as beautiful as you say you are, yes you had begetter start to get used to it, otherwise live under a burka. It would be best if men did not treat women that way but that is not the world we live in.
2016-09-20 3:22 am
Most women would kill to look younger than they are. So when you look at it that way it really isn't so bad.
2016-09-20 3:22 am
Yeah, that's how it works. You're flattered that men want you, which is why you put up this attention-seeking post lamenting your alleged attractiveness and all of the inconvenience it causes.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:10:13
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