Any time I come out of my house I get panicked. I haven't been out of the house at all in weeks please tell me what's happening?

2016-09-19 11:12 pm
For some reason any time I come out of my house I get really sweaty, panicked, clumz, and nervous. If i realy realy try i can go take the trash out or go to the store but it still really makes me nervous. I haven't been out of the house at all in weeks not even to go to the store (also im home schooled so no problem there) but please tell me what's going on?

回答 (2)

2016-09-20 1:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
You seem to have severe anxiety. Tell a dr. how you feel; there are good meds for anxiety.
2016-09-20 12:10 am
Have your parents schedule an appointment with your family doctor. When the doctor asks what brings you in today show them what you have written here. Use that as a basis for having a frank discussion on how you are doing. They can do a full physical and neurological workup to see if anything you are taking or doing may be causing or contributing to your issue. Your doctor can also refer you to a mental health professional that can evaluate your mental state. Once the test results are in, treatment options can be discussed.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:09:30
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