My parents abuse and I don t know if I should tell?

2016-09-19 6:38 am
My dad had done horrible things. He s spit on me, my sister, and I. He slammed my head into the wall hard enough to break my glasses, bust my lip and make it bleed, and my head hurt so much I felt dizzy and couldn t see for a few seconds and it hurt for days. He s punched me in the head hard enough to also make it hurt for days and make me dizzy. He has hit, kicked and punched me, and dragged me through my house by my hair numerous times and threatened to kill me. Once he threw me onto the ground and stomped down on my ribs and pressed his foot down on my throat and face. My mom throws things at me, shoves me and hits me. She grabbed my arm and dug her nails in deep enough that it bled. She tells me that if I tell the police/CPS about things they ve done that I ll be put into foster care and be raped and beaten because she s afraid of losing me. I don t want to live like this anymore but they are going to help me pay for collage when I graduate. What do I do. Deal with this for a few more years or have money for college. I don t think I ll make enough unless I stay out of collage for several years which will **** me over.

回答 (6)

2016-09-19 6:43 am
And why haven't you called the cops? This is abusive you need to stop this right now
2016-09-20 5:28 pm
if my father had done all that to me he wouldve been picked up by the police, at least call cps, you shouldnt have to put up with all that, and dont feel one bit guilty for doing it either, and dont worry about college, you might get more financial aid if youre in foster care anyways and your foster parents might help you with that too, i would call the police too, and dont feel guilty, your dad deserves it for doing all that
2016-09-19 8:01 am
Social services only put people into foster care, or if no foster care is available into a children's home as a last resort.

Foster carers are rigorously screened and any criminal record would preclude them from fostering. They are also regularly assessed.

The same goes for staff in a home.

These people are NOT rapists, paedophiles or any other kind of pervert.
2016-09-19 6:47 am
Yeah I really think you should call a sherrif this isn't right
2016-09-19 6:47 am
There's good and bad about foster care depending on individual situations, but nobody deserves to be someone's punching bag for college money. Don't know if you're religious, but you could talk to a minister/rabbi/priest. They won't tell anyone. Even is you're not religious they'll listen. Other relatives can help also. Look, if a friend of yours told you this story, what would be your advice to them?
2016-09-19 6:43 am
Get out now. Call CPS today and cal the cops as soon as they hit or scratch you. Get orders against them especially if you have bruising. You can probably sue them to make them pay your college fees. Maybe you are a ratty stupid teen but they have no right to assault you like this

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