Perhaps he is unduly concerned with the contributatory influence of Euro-American/Japanese/Chinese civilization on African and other traditions.
There is a balance of justice regarding "reinventiing the wheel" (i.e., "cultural appropriation" of Euro-American et al science and insight, by other societies), and nurturing and championing meritorious, authentic, regional cultural traditions.
Some concerns re postcolonialism is perhaps too often "merely academic." That which is meritorious is often "world class" and "intercultural," and "coca-colonization," so decried by Lacan and Derrida, is less a single category of "good and bad," hence, case-by-case discernment, not the error of overgeneralization, is well re this general issue.
Related: "Affirmative Action around the World: An Empirical Study," by Thomas Sowell and also his "Black Rednecks and White Liberals," and Daniel Estulin's "Tavistock Institute."