Has my zodiac changed?

2016-09-18 8:22 pm
I've heard loads of people saying that Nasa have realised that they've been getting the star signs wrong. I always thought I was a pisces but now I'm not sure! My birthday is the 8th March.

Why is that Fritz dude so pathetically immature! Read his comment and please thumbs down it! :(

回答 (4)

2016-09-18 9:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
no it hasnt changed
2016-09-18 8:29 pm
No, you idiot, NASA hasn't been "getting the star signs wrong." They've been getting them right. It's you idiot astrology believers who've forgotten to update them over the past 3000 years.

They changed because of something called the precession of the equinoxes, which is something scientific that you are obviously too fcuking stupid and ignorant to understand.

And because astrology isn't real, who the fcuk cares?

You are the stupidest little turd-sucker I have ever met. Go back to kindergarten. Idiot pigfucker.
2016-09-20 9:20 pm
2016-09-18 11:08 pm

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