Head on collision - no ticket issued when the other person ran a red light?

2016-09-18 6:48 pm
I let my sister drive my truck for a bonfire party last saturday night

at about 11 o'clock she was on her way home and turned left at a stop light

the turn arrow for her was green and turned yellow as she passed over the stop line

she was heading south - turning east, the other driver was going north

the other driver ran a red light and slammed head on into my truck

police came to the scene and their car was towed away

they walked home and the officer didnt issue a ticket or a citation

so what do I do now? I've got a damaged truck and we both have insurance but theres no police ticket or court date. We are NOT in a no-fault state - Huntley Illinois 60142

回答 (9)

2016-09-18 8:11 pm
You file a claim with EITHER insurance company. You DO NOT know the other driver was not cited.
2016-09-19 12:51 am
If the officer didn't physically see them run the red light it's hard to write a citation off of one persons statements! If their were independent witnesses with corroborating statements then it would be possible. Because for all you know the light could've been yellow or etc. It's like those wrecks where the other party says the other driver was speeding... As far as insurance goes they'll do their investigation and determine who accepts liability in the crash. Good luck too you!
2016-09-18 7:06 pm
Talk to your insurance company. If the other person was at fault, they will want to prove it so his insurance pays. Always find witnesses immediately if you can. I have a dashcam on all the time so in a case like that I have video proof.
2016-09-18 7:01 pm
Surely you got all the insurance info and name and address of the other driver.
Now you call your insurance agent and get him to work.
2016-09-18 6:56 pm
When the Investigating Officer cannot make a clear determination (s)he cannot write a citation.
All you can do is get a copy of the Report, and submit to your insurance company. Insurance companies do not like to pay out so they will institute an investigation and sue (settle) with the other parties.
You have the incident report. Submit the claim to their insurance company.
Ones word against the other is no good. You have to have proof, such as Video. Or an independent Witness.
Next, is to contact an "Ambulance Chaser" Attorney. but without injury that is unlikely to help.
Finally, IF you have proof you might recover expenses (deductible) in a small claims court.
2016-09-20 1:42 am
She won't go to jail. She'll go to PRISON AND ENDURE SLUDGE
2016-09-18 7:26 pm
Insurance companies will fight it out, and if they can't agree just settle. Many will not bother to take it to court and simply each will pay their own. This may result in you having to pay higher insurance. They may decide in your favor depending on the evidence. The other driver may lie. (So might your sister) Were there independent witnesses?
2016-09-20 3:44 pm
Let the insurance and legal mob sort things.
2016-09-20 2:39 am
Call the insurance company let them sort it out.

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