Is this sentence grammatically correct?

2016-09-18 12:18 pm
The article concludes with mentioning the three key essentials for hiring emotionally intelligent people are self awareness, ability to self regulate emotions, empathy, and social skills.

回答 (2)

2016-09-18 1:09 pm
No, it is not grammatically correct. It should be written like this:
The article concludes by mentioning that the four essential requirements to look for when hiring emotionally intelligent people are: self awareness; the ability to self-regulate emotions; empathy; and social skills.

[You say 'three' essentials, but you give four.]
2016-09-18 8:09 pm
The article concludes by mentioning that the four key essentials for hiring emotionally intelligent people are self awareness, ability to self regulate emotions, empathy, and social skills.

The article concludes by mentioning the four key essentials for hiring emotionally intelligent people: self awareness, ability to self regulate emotions, empathy, and social skills.

Both those work.

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