How at risk am I of cancer?

2016-09-18 8:22 am
My uncle died 2 years ago from cancer, it's was a long trip and he ended up dying, my aunt recently died with cancer (stage 4), she died 2 weeks to the day after we found out that she even had cancer, my other aunt had breast cancer but she defeated it, (all of these people are on my dads side) does this make my dad high at risk of getting cancer and my uncles and my other aunts and my brothers, I don't want anyone else to die of cancer, I can't handle it, they were very close family members and i can't even handle the thought of finding out my dad has it or worse my little brothers
Thanks for reading /responding x

回答 (5)

2016-09-18 1:21 pm
As it was various types of cancer then you are at a low risk, if for example grandma had breast cancer then mum then you are at a higher risk of breast cancer so stop stressing.
2016-09-19 12:37 am
Sigh.......this is all imagination and overreaction. You can't control what happens or who gets it. No use worrying about it.
2016-09-18 3:58 pm
2016-09-18 11:10 am
Not knowing all the types of cancer involved it is impossible to say.
Fewer than 10% of cancers are thought to be due to inherited risk factors.
My family was tested 22 years ago when one of my sisters was diagnosed with the same cancer that killed my mother, my aunt and their father.
Three of the six of us carry that genetic flaw.
Four of the six of us have been successfully treated for cancer yet 3 of those cancers were unrelated.
Two of my nephews have also been treated for unrelated cancers, one successfully, the other ongoing having been given a prognosis of his last Christmas 5 years ago
One of these nephews is a grandfather so we have 4 generations and NONE of us dwell on our risk of dying of cancer
2016-09-18 8:27 am
Don't worry about it. The fear of cancer will start to feel like the real thing eventually if you keep on this way. Just try to live a healthy lifestyle. That's all you can do. It's not up to you whether or not you get cancer. In today's society, anything could cause cancer. Just find some people, or even one person that you care about, and spend as much time with them as possible. Love will make cancer seem like nothing at all.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:54:10
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