Husband letting people borrow money without me knowing?

2016-09-18 6:43 am
So today we were at a get together for my sister in law. So along comes one of my mother in laws friends and gives money to my husband. Apparently he had let her borrow it. Im guessing my mother in law asked my husband if he cud let her friend borrow money. Anyways i didnt know until today that i saw her pay him back. A mean she payed him back but what im a little upset about is that he let someone borrow money without even telling me. I would have said yes anyways but I just wanted him to tell me. This isnt the first time he has let people borrow money without telling me although ,when i find out it is usually his family i tend not to say anything but idk why I feel upset today... probably because he makes decisions without telling me?
She pretty much said thanks and i felt stupid for pretending to know that "we" had let her borrow money.
Btw i like this lady so it has nothing to do with her........ So Am i overexagerating? Should i talk to him about it or should I just let it go? Thanks.

回答 (5)

2016-09-18 3:19 pm
Set up separate accounts
You have one joint account only for household expenses - rent/mortgage, utilities, food, kids' education, family vacations, etc
Then he has his account and can do with it what he wants and you have your account

The one thing I learned from my parents who have been happily married for 35 years and counting is that if you have separate accounts plus a joint household account, you avoid many of the fights about money that other couples have
So if he wants to lend money, he does it out of his account, not the household account. And conversely, he can't tell you how to spend the money in your own account. If you want to buy a LV bag with it, it's your money to do with as you choose
2016-09-18 6:46 am
What you didn't say is if the money was coming from his account or a joint account.

If it is from his account then I see no problem, but he should have definitely talked with you about it if the money came from a joint account.
2016-09-18 7:02 am
If it's bothering you, then tell him about it. He probably just thought it wasn't a big deal to tell you because the people he let's borrow the money, always pay him back and he probably thought you would be okay with it. Just tell him that you want to be kept in the loop of things, I'm sure he'll understand.
2016-09-18 6:45 am
I think you should talk to him about it if it's bothering you. marriage is a partnership and it's both of your money. on the otherhand, i think your husband can't say no to his family.

Can you help me. not enough answers
2016-09-18 6:45 am

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