My aunt died?

2016-09-18 12:43 am
She died of cancer a few days ago, cancer that we didn't even know that she had until 2 weeks ago, I can't cry I don't know why, I'm scared I'll cry so much at the funeral and I don't want to cry infront of people, I've also been asked to do a reading and I'm very nervous because the reading is in Irish and some of the words are hard to pronounce evethough I've grown up speaking Irish as my first language, I don't want to read to slow because the priest is always in such a hurry and everyone tells me to hurry but it's hard I'm so nervous I could throw up
Thanks for reading/responding X

回答 (4)

2016-09-18 3:00 pm
Most irish speak english...
2016-09-18 11:42 am
So don't read it. Tell them "If you are going to rush me, have someone else do it, because I don't know how to say all the words".
2016-09-18 4:16 am
Cry or not. It is up to you. No one will judge.
Practice the reading so you know you can do it. At the funeral, take a deep breath and pretend you are reading it to your aunt. Don't worry about speed. She would love to hear you read it to her however you are able.
2016-09-18 12:54 am
I would smile down from heaven if you threw up in front of the crowd at my funeral...I want yu to say " If Denton were here now he would look out upon you all and say.....bleeeech"...,omg I'm writing you into my will.

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