Why are people so easily offended by pretty much everything?

2016-09-17 12:31 am
I mean, people will purposely LOOK for things to be offended by! (That was a metaphor.) I could say "Hi" and someone would reply, "YOU DARE CALL ME HIGH? I DON'T EVEN DO DRUGS!" (That was a hyperbole.) Why are people so offended by literally everything. And, yes, I bet someone is going to get offended by this question.

回答 (1)

2016-09-17 12:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
I take great offense to your question, sir!

Children who grew up with the Internet and social media are more likely to be socially retarded as their brains don't learn how to correctly interact with other human beings.

People get caught up with P.C. because people generally need a cause or an outlet for their aggression.

Us old-timers called it being spoiled rotten. In our time this meant a child getting whatever they wished whenever they wished it.

Now the phenomenon has spread due to the instant gratification widely available because of the Internet.
2016-09-17 2:43 am
Why are you so bothered by what other people think?
2016-09-17 1:42 am
Some people are thin-skinned, guilty or just plain angry.
2016-09-17 12:32 am
People have huge ego's and believe everything is about them.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:09:15
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