I am 18 year old skinny about 6 feet tall and I weights150lb. What do u recommend for the gym.?

2016-09-17 12:06 am
Like I just know where should I begin and should I drink some protein shakes EVERYtime I'm done a workout and stuff? I just got a gym membership at a place by my house.

回答 (2)

2016-09-18 12:52 pm
Train for strength.
Eat real foods, not processed crap and you don't need supplements if you eat real food.
Start with Stronglifts 5x5, don't add to it or change it, just do it.
2016-09-17 1:53 am
yes, drink protein shakes between meals. You should be at least 180 lbs.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:53:55
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