give me some ideas for supper?

2016-09-16 9:56 am

give me some ideas for supper. give me some ideas about supper. give me some ideas on supper. 分別?

回答 (2)

2016-09-16 2:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. give me some ideas for supper.

2. give me some ideas about supper.

3. give me some ideas on supper.
在晚餐時 給一下你(其他,像是買房,賣車,度假...)的構想吧!

4.. give me some ideas over the supper.
在晚餐時 給一下你的構想吧! = 3.
2016-09-16 10:44 am
According to the dictionary:-
High Tea (cream) is a light meal
eaten in the afternoon or early evening,
usually with sandwiches/biscuits/cakes/harsh brown grain bread thick;
and tea.for Tom Co.etc.
some ideas for supper?:-
is the last meal of the day,
as a smaller main meal
less formal than dinner
Do your Homework after supper
to have an early supper that night for HW
then a snack eaten before you go to bed ?!
For:-prep:-is intended to have ,use something, where something is, what food you want to eat and intended to be put;
for all its intention of style;
About:-prep:-on the subject of it=supper;in connection with,know what you're on about=talking about
On:-about supper; suggesting acceptable food etc;on a supper diet; eating or drinking.on eating or drinking.As Tom said that they are about the same meaning.

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