Why does everyone say Trump and Hillary and not Donald and Clinton?

2016-09-15 3:55 am

回答 (5)

2016-09-15 3:57 am
This is the dumbest topic for a question ever.

Because there's already a Clinton in the white house before duh
2016-09-15 5:48 pm
Because the name Clinton is associated with Bill. And people dont know Donald as well.
2016-09-15 3:58 am
Well, one reason is the Bill Clinton was President, so if you say 'Clinton' people might think you are referring to Bill Clinton. Hillary is less ambiguous. Also there are a lot of Donalds in the world, Donald Duck, etc. If you say 'Trump', people know who you are talking about.
2016-09-15 3:56 am
We already HAD a President Clinton. To avoid confusion, it's Trump and Hillary. This way, we can leave Silly Willy out of the equation.
2016-09-15 3:55 am
i say Hillary and the Donald

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