earphones vs. headphones? ..Which Will Cause Noise-Induced Hearing Loss?

2016-09-14 7:55 pm

回答 (4)

2016-09-14 8:00 pm
2016-09-14 8:32 pm
Hearing loss is not caused by the mechanism used
(speakers, headphones, or earphones)
but by the sound pressure level (volume).

85 dB is the limit for continuous listening without causing damage.
2016-09-15 6:56 am
Source does not matter, if the noise is loud enough, even a very short exposure to it WILL cause hearing loss! Therefore, one is NOT safer than the other.
2016-09-14 7:58 pm
earphones because the are more in your ear than covering

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:54:41
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