What type of dog is this puppy?

2016-09-14 6:41 pm
My brother got this puppy from a friend of his he says it's a golden retriever and pitbull but I don't believe him he's always lying dies anybody have an idea

回答 (4)

2016-09-14 7:01 pm
Agree with Anon, she could be a JR terrier /beagle chihuahua mix.
2016-09-14 6:42 pm
Looks like a chihuahua
2016-09-14 6:43 pm
that is definitely NOT a golden retriever/pittbull cross. based on the looks I would say its a Jack Russell terrier crossed with another small dog...
2016-09-14 7:52 pm
With a mongrel of that age it is hard to guess

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