Im thinking of buying an Digital SLR Camera?

2016-09-14 6:17 pm
I'm currently taking photography GCSE with a Sony HX300, its a bridge camera and the lens is fixed. I then realized that in order to learn photography it's probably best to have removable lenses. I'm no expert at cameras and surprisingly they don't teach us much about them in school,
my price range is around £200 and preferably a camera that has similar specs as the one I currently have, but all recommendations are welcome

Literally, any opinions are welcome if you think I should upgrade, or you think the one I currently have is too much or too little, extra . And of course recommendations for a camera


also, lens recommendations too, I probably need help with that too

Thanks for all the quick replies! Just to an add to the question, if it was able to increase to maybe £500 (maybe more), would that change anything?


whoops and i forgot to say I'm really interested in macro photography and that's one of the biggest factor for this question.

回答 (9)

2016-09-14 6:24 pm
You don't need removable lenses in order to learn photography. Provided you have control over aperture, shutter speed and ISO then you need nothing else.
2016-09-14 6:22 pm
For that much money, you're not even close to getting a better setup.

And, to be honest, you won't be a better photographer with a real SLR. You can put a super-telephoto lens on it to get shots of things that are very, very far away. You can put a very wide angle lens on it to get extreme close-ups. Everything in between won't be better. If you spend ten times your current budget, you'll get better low-light performance.

Unless you're trying to photograph distant objects at night or super close-ups of insects, none of these things will significantly improve your photos.

The camera you have is plenty good, and it covers enough range for you to get plenty of experience as a photographer. If you want to take shots at the extremes (extreme closeups or extreme distances), then better gear will help a little. It won't help with framing or composition or any of the other things that make a good photograph.

If you want to go beyond your current zoom ability, just increase the resolution of the photograph and crop it on the computer.
2016-09-14 6:20 pm
Having removable lenses won't help you learn photography. What you'd need to be studying are topics like aperture, shutter speeds, ISO and composition. Your current camera is very capable of all these things (except composition - that's purely on you).
2016-09-15 5:49 pm
In order to upgrade, you will need to save up more before you can get anything. A typical DSLR with an 18-55mm kit lens is going to start around $400 USD.

I have to completely disagree with your idea about needing to change lenses to learn photography. I understand what you're saying about changing lenses, but considering that your Sony has a 24-1,200mm zoom, it's designed to give you all of the focal length options in one lens so that you don't need to change lenses. If you were to go with a DSLR, you would first discover that you've gone from a 24-1,200mm lens to an 18-55mm. There are no lenses for DSLRs beyond 800mm (which costs about $13,000 USD). You'd find that you would need to get three or four lenses for a DSLR to come close to what your current camera offers.

At this time, I suggest not getting a new camera. Learn photography with what you already have which is more than enough of a camera for your current needs. If you're skeptical about only having a single 24-1,200mm zoom and how it's could adversely affect your ability to learn, keep in mind that there have been college students who won national collegiate photo competitions with just a single camera and one 50mm lens.
2016-09-15 3:06 am
You can learn photography with your camera. It allows you to change settings manually. Try studying with it for a little while. There will be two things that may happen - you either get satisfied with your camera to get fabulous pictures or demand more after knowing you can get better with a more potent camera. When the second happens, you'll know better which dSLR to get.
2016-09-14 6:20 pm
For £200 you are not going to get a new (or even second hand) DSLR, or even just a decent lens to be honest. If that is genuinely the highest you can go to, then I would have to suggest that you are going to be hard pressed to beat your existing HX300 bridge!
2017-03-09 11:14 am
參考: Become Professional Photographer
2016-12-20 9:40 pm
參考: Tips for Making Great Pictures
2016-09-14 8:28 pm
Pentax K-50.

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