Boyfriend private messaging and video chatting girls?

2016-09-14 2:05 pm
I saw that my boyfriend had my free cams on his laptop so I checked his history, and I saw that he went on the site and looked at this girls profile and started video chatting and messaging her. I don't know what to think or do.

回答 (4)

2016-09-14 2:10 pm
Keep a regular check from now on as you are suspicious of him.
If it leads to what you think it is, break up with him.
2016-09-14 2:10 pm
This is tantamount to cheating, so you have every right to confront him about it. He might get pissed and accuse you of snooping, but he brought it on himself.
2016-09-14 2:11 pm
Ok, first, you shouldn't be snooping. How would you feel if he went through all of your stuff?

Second, there is more than meets the eye here. What if he was talking to a penpal? What if he was talking to a girl about school work or an upcoming exam?

Third, you need to talk to him about this, not complete strangers on Yahoo! Answers.
2016-09-14 5:20 pm
What should he think about you spying on him? Neither of you seem to be serious about the relationship and neither of you can be trusted. I see a break up coming.

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