I am a heterosexual, Christian, conservative, white male. What do Liberals think of me?

2016-09-13 9:06 pm

回答 (17)

2016-09-13 9:07 pm
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I believe the libtard word for you now is "deplorable".
2016-09-13 9:12 pm
You just described most of my friends. Liberals are not the haters right wing radio or FOX makes them out to be.

by the way, I am a heterosexual, Christian, white male, who thought he was Conservative before I got on this site and started to listen to right wing radio. I will allow myself to be called a Liberal before I would ever be a part of what is now called Conservatism. It has been hijacked by fear mongering and hate mongering extremists.
2016-09-13 9:12 pm
You are no better or worse than any other man woman or child. If you're so of the Christian faith you would not have pranced out her and asked this question.
2016-09-13 9:15 pm
Nothing unusual about that, I'm a heterosexual, Christian, Liberal white female.
I'll bet you have a couple of things to say about me.
2016-09-13 9:14 pm
You are good. America is made up of all types of people...very diverse.
2016-09-13 9:11 pm
Depends. Do you use your blinker? Do you pick up the poop while walking your dog? Do you keep your kids under control? Do you keep your lawn looking nice? Do you litter?

I'm pretty judgmental, but not based on politics.
2016-09-13 10:08 pm
2016-09-13 9:12 pm
Your days of being on top will soon be over.
2016-09-13 9:14 pm
You are probably a sexist a$$høle who wants their wife and kids to bow down to their every word and is probably cheating on your wife because you are selfish and disgusting.
But nooooo you're a Christian you wouldn't do that....suree....
2016-09-13 9:13 pm
Lots of them may dislike you. But Christians sure do hate gays. Religious people are some of the most intolerant people on the planet.
2016-09-13 9:36 pm
They think you are a homophobic, fanatic, bigoted, misogenistic, racist, bible thumping hillbilly that needs to be euthanized. And they haven't even met you. Thank GOD for what's left of the constitution.

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