Does anyone else realize that you can call anything a god and get away with it?

2016-09-13 9:06 pm
I could call my chair a god and you have no evidence against it other than you saying the exact same thing about your own god, hilarious how people don't realize this😆

回答 (19)

2016-09-13 9:09 pm
No dumbass how about you actually look up the definition of God. God is defined as the creator of the universe your chair didn't create the universe
2016-09-13 9:09 pm
It's even more hilarious that you can't see any difference.

You fail, sir.

If I were to play along, I would ask you to tell me more about this "chair god" of yours. It wouldn't take long at all before you'd have nothing remotely intelligent to say in defense, I'd wager.
2016-09-13 9:07 pm
The difference is your chair actually exists so it is slightly more godlike than the theists' gods.
2016-09-13 9:11 pm

You could claim ot have visions of your chair while you're at home. It talks to you after you pray to it. Etc.

All the same. Absolutely no difference from their Bullsiht claims.
2016-09-13 9:10 pm
Yes, god is probably the most loosely defined word in the English language.
2016-09-13 9:14 pm
Yeah, like Fireball stated when Judgment day comes it will be a whole new story.
2016-09-13 9:08 pm
2016-09-13 9:37 pm
i swear my in laws have a shrine for my son, and bow and pray to it every night.

Theyve turned their grandson into a God. for sure. so obsessed i tell ya.

Science is a God for many
So is sports
So are women
So are video games

Lots of things can be gods or "idols" (the actual word for it.)
2016-09-13 9:11 pm
It has to be something imaginary and not exist.
2016-09-13 9:07 pm
They get a tingly feeling when they talk to their version of god.
2016-09-14 11:27 am
1 Corinthians 8:4-6
4 Now concerning the eating of food offered to idols, we know that an idol is nothing+ in the world and that there is no God but one.+ 5 For even though there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth,+ just as there are many “gods” and many “lords,” 6 there is actually to us one God,+ the Father,+ from whom all things are and we for him;+ and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are+ and we through him.

Isaiah 43:11-13
11 I—I am Jehovah,+ and besides me there is no savior.”+
12 “I am the One who declared and saved and made known
When there was no foreign god among you.+
So you are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah, “and I am God.+
13 Also, I am always the same One;+
And no one can snatch anything out of my hand.+
When I act, who can prevent it?”+
2016-09-13 9:24 pm
The Bible teaches that quite clearly.
The distinction is thst when you cease to believe in such gods they ceas to BE gods. Whereas God is God, should you believe or not
2016-09-13 9:22 pm
It needs to a positive thing that stands for goodness a state of energy this creates an energy interaction we are just starting to understand , all those who increase goodness evolutional fitness of mind and body are really worshiping goodness , as an Evolutional Goodhist I cut to the chase increasing goodness reducing fear/anxiety and sin.
2016-09-13 9:17 pm
I'm going to need your thought process here- are you saying your chair may have created the universe and you need no evidence to support that?
2016-09-13 11:08 pm
YO CAN call ANYTHING a "god", but you ain't gonna get away with it for long.

SOmeday, you WILL die, youWILL meet the REAL God, and you will see how wrong youa re.
2016-09-13 9:56 pm
You don't have thousands of years of history supporting your belief. You don't have billions of people sharing that belief. You don't have fulfilled prophecies, or miracles to support your belief. You don't have the most quoted book in human history to support your belief. So, you must realize, you have nothing.
2016-09-13 9:37 pm
Naw, not really dear, Idolatry is an abomination to God.
2016-09-13 9:16 pm
Yes. You can even get tax exempt status no matter how whacky your ideas may be. The government does not judge validity of what is believed.
2016-09-13 9:10 pm
I get away with a lot. Lie am pretending to be a nice and kind Christian at church. in reality i am a monster who is waiting for them to slip up and then I will reveal myself to those who I deem worthy of leaving God.
2016-09-13 9:08 pm
Laugh now, but we will get the last laugh... And We realize, of course someone could call God a chair... ... But we have faith so.... In the end, if there turns out to be God that we worshipped and believed in truthfully.. we win, and if not, so no harm done still. So it's a win-win situation for us!

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