what kind of guns does SWAT use ?

2016-09-13 8:38 pm

回答 (8)

2016-09-13 10:20 pm
Water guns
2016-09-13 8:41 pm
special extra ordinary self seeking firing guns you don't need a human the government are issuing them instead of you as citizens
2016-09-13 8:40 pm
SWAT teams use a variety of different types of firearms. Common weapons include the AR-15, the MP-5. The will use any variety of 9mm pistols as well as a variety of "sniper" rifles.
2016-09-13 8:39 pm
big ones
2016-09-15 5:53 pm
As many police departments have their own SWAT teams, equipment may vary. Some common weapons in use are AR-15 or M-16- series rifles, MP5 submachine guns, and whatever service pistol the police department authorizes.
2016-09-14 3:09 am
I was at the range with 1 a week ago. He had a M1 carbine with scope. 300 meter & put a clip in a hole the size of a 10 piso coin. Answered my question of what if needed he could shoot you with. The M1 he said has better range than most guns.
2016-09-13 8:44 pm
SWAT is not just one organization. Many communities have "SWAT" in one way shape or form. It's up to each group what they use.
2016-09-13 8:38 pm
Not water guns

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