A number divided by 2 is equal to 12 less than the original number what is the number?

2016-09-13 4:03 pm

回答 (8)

2016-09-13 4:08 pm
A number divided by 2 is equal to 12 less than the original number what is the number?

n ÷ 2 = n - 12
n ÷ 2 × 2 = (n - 12) × 2
n = 2n - 24
n = 24

Hence, the number = 24
2016-09-17 8:23 pm
the number we assume to be n , then n/2 = n-12
so n = 2n -24 , therefore , n = 24 , thus 24 divided by 2 becomes equal to half of 24 which is 12...
ans: 24
2016-09-14 7:35 am
the number we assume to be n , then n/2 = n-12
so n = 2n -24 , therefore , n = 24 , thus 24 divided by 2 becomes equal to half of 24 which is 12.
Ans: 24
2016-09-13 6:57 pm
x/2 = x - 12
12 = x/2
x = 24
2016-09-13 5:44 pm
2016-09-13 4:15 pm
Let x be the original number.

x/2 = x - 12

x = 2x - 24

x = 24
2016-09-13 4:08 pm
2016-09-13 4:06 pm
24, because 24/2 is 12, which is 12 less than the original number which is 24.
2016-09-13 4:06 pm
n / 2 = n -12
solve for n
n = 2n - 24
n = 24

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