Three Days Grace Vs Skillet Vs Thousand Foot Krutch?

2016-09-13 1:44 pm
Best band from these 3 in your opinion

回答 (3)

2016-09-13 3:51 pm
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Skillet and its not even close. TFK is a fairly new band and the verdict is still out on them. TDG is alright not as good as they once where. But all three bands are good if you see them live. Whispers in the Dark is a song that if you hear live will blow your socks off. I normally dont listen to the styles of music these bands fall into . But seeing them live is a different story. But out of these three its Skillet.
2016-09-14 8:40 am
hmmm... Well since John is still singing for Skillet, I'll say them, If I had to add it up, I'd probably listen to more 3dg than skillet
2016-09-13 9:38 pm
I like all 3, but probably Skillet the most. They were my gateway rock band 6 years ago so they have a special place in my heart.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 21:29:47
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