how the heck does a 13 year old get money?? Plz answer ASAP I wanna know ur ideas?

2016-09-12 5:47 am
I'm trying to save up for a iPhone 5s hopefully B4 Christmas. I really wanted one so I decided to save up money and buy it myself. If u also have ideas on where I can by a iPhone 5s plz tell me cuz ik apple don't sell them anymore.. I was thinking about amazon because I definitely don't trust eBay comment the price and the website of where I can get a iPhone 5s plz comment this will really help me out. And I can't babysit. Thx

回答 (3)

2016-09-12 5:55 am
It's called working and saving money. When I was 13, 6 years ago, I bought and mostly paid for my PS3. It cost me $324. I paid about $280 and my dad paid for the rest.

I worked with my dad fixing cars for a couple of summers.
2016-09-12 5:48 am
U could dog sit, do car washes, have a garage sale or just ask ur parents for some money.
2016-09-12 6:50 am
Babysit do chores and ect...

You can do a lot of stuff and earn money.

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