Am I wrong to say Pedophiles have something wrong with their heads?

2016-09-11 9:15 pm
My friend is trying to convince me that pedophiles are just people who are attracted to children and they being attracted to children, doesn't make them mentally ill.

What I say, is that humans were programmed to mate with people who look the most healthy/ who are able to breed. If humans were programmed to be attracted to people who are capable of having children, why would they go after a child who is not capable of breeding, unless they're ******* sick in the head? They must have something wrong with them because us humans are not supposed to be attracted to children, it's just how we were made.

I don't think Pedophilia is right, whether it's a medical illness or not and in all honesty, I think that child molesters should be put down. I was just wondering whether it's a mental illness or not. I know it's bad and affects the victim in many ways, it's just that I was trying to focus on the paedophile and not the victim. Don't think that I don't care about the victim of the situation, I was just curious whether it's a mental illness or not.

回答 (5)

2016-09-12 3:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
An argument against attraction to children based on that biological concept would also have to place homosexuality in the same category of mental illness.

What's so wrong about pedophilia is the injury which it does to the child[ren]. It's the same evil that makes [adult] rape unacceptable.

There most certainly is something mentally wrong with a person who has persistent sexual attraction to a child. There is also something mentally wrong with a person who finds it acceptable to rob, rape, or murder; these are nonetheless repugnant crimes, as well.
2016-09-11 9:19 pm
Professional troll challenges naive users to not notice that he or she is arguing about the meaning of words, as if the meaning of words affects the nature of the things the words are meant to describe:

"Am I wrong to say Pedophiles have something wrong with their heads?"

We start out with "something wrong with their heads".

"My friend is trying to convince me that pedophiles are just people who are attracted to children and they being attracted to children, doesn't make them mentally ill."

It morphs into the implication that there exists something called "mental illness" and that whether a behavior is appropriate or not depends on whether or not one classifies it as mental illness.

The author chooses to support the "mental illness" schema with the following reasoning:

"What I say, is that humans were programmed to mate with people who look the most healthy/ who are able to breed. If humans were programmed to be attracted to people who are capable of having children, why would they go after a child who is not capable of breeding, unless they're ******* sick in the head? They must have something wrong with them because us humans are not supposed to be attracted to children, it's just how we were made."

I suggest that your challenge is frivolous.

The issue you have ignored is as follows:

Some people believe it is okay for an adult to physically dominate and molest children, to force or lure children into unnatural acts involving genitalia and other body parts, all the while terrorizing the children, and putting them at risk of acquiring chronic, debilitating, or deadly diseases that can be transmitted person to person.

Do you think it is okay or not?

Calling it "mental illness" or not does not change anything.
2016-09-11 9:50 pm
There's definitely something wrong with a person who views small children sexually. We should be killing those people off. Not feeding em and housing them in prison.
2016-09-12 4:36 am
They have their mother's breast milk inside their brain because they snorted it up their nose as babies.
2016-09-11 9:49 pm
They are criminally insane.
2016-09-11 9:20 pm
I don't agree with calling them mentally ill but yes, that is disgusting and abnormal if you are referring to TRUE pedophilia (attraction to prepubescents under 11-12). If you're referring to an attraction anyone under the countries age of consent but is fully capable of sex and reproduction, then that is normal but illegal.
2016-09-12 3:16 am
Why do people have fetishes? Pedophilia is the same thing as a fetish albeit feet or bdsm it's a fetish, i dare you to tell everybody with a fetish that there is something wrong in thier head

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