Loan companies that dont call your work?

2016-09-11 1:38 pm
Hi, what is a good Canadian bad credit/no credit loan company that does not call your workplace?

回答 (2)

2016-09-11 1:54 pm
You cannot be certain that any loan company will not check your employment.
2016-09-11 3:24 pm
They're all within their rights to check and validate the employment information that you provide them. Especially with no/bad credit, they want to ensure you are employed as stated. It will be on the loan application you submit. I'm unaware of any places that won't check your employment in this case. Even with good credit, loan companies will check your employment for larger amounts (such as a car or a mortgage)
2016-09-11 2:50 pm
None will call your work if you pay on time.

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