can you survive 50 cal desert eagle round to the chest ?

2016-09-11 9:57 am

回答 (15)

2016-09-11 9:57 am
only if it is thrown at you instead of being shot at you
2016-09-11 10:51 am
Yes. I took 12 rounds to the chest and walked away laughing. Try it.
2016-09-11 8:14 pm
Not really but if you do manage too I'm pretty sure you'll be ****** up
2016-09-11 3:09 pm
There is NO SUCH THING as a 50 cal Desert Eagle round. The Desert Eagle uses the same ammunition as any other 50 cal firearm. Depending on how far the bullet traveled before impact, and the EXACT path of travel inside the body, it is possible to die instantly, or to survive, being hit by ANY bullet.
2016-09-11 2:14 pm
probably not.
2016-09-11 12:03 pm
No, your dead ,period
2016-09-11 10:12 am
The initial penetration maybe, but the velosity impact and destruction, no.
2016-11-24 1:59 am
The initial penetration maybe, but the velosity impact and destruction, no.
2016-09-12 4:35 pm
I have one and I will tell you there are vest that will stop the round BUT the round will smash your origins inside like a milk shake being made . You will be dead . I have this gun next to me when I sleep or on me when I am home even next to me when I shower . Because I will not allow police or criminals to brake into my home illegally . I have a glock 45 and 9mm ,30-06 semi auto for protection .
2016-09-12 4:46 am
Nobody can
2016-09-12 12:23 am
Realistically absolutely not a Magnum Research Desert Eagle chambered in .50AE produces around 1600 foot pounds of muzzle energy to give you a good reference a .357 Magnum revolver very renowned and respected for its stopping power in most cases is able to stop an attacker with 1 round to the chest and the .357 Magnum produces around 750 to 800 Foot pounds of muzzle energy so if that's able to do it a Desert Eagle chambered in .50AE is certainly going to be able to do it
2016-09-11 10:45 pm
It's a 50 Action Express. And no, nobody can survive that round. Even the strongest man on earth won't.
2016-09-11 9:28 pm
You may survive the entry wound, unlikely you'll survive the damage inside the body, and certainly not when it makes a huge mess as it exits.
2016-09-11 7:59 pm
At point blank, you dead.

At longer range, maybe-ish.
2016-09-11 10:21 am
it would go right through any human so no. Nobody would survive.

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