I want to go to church but?

2016-09-10 10:06 pm
I used to go to church every saturday when I was younger, Im stll pretty young but way before but they stopped having staurday mass and I couldn't go sundays but now they started saturday mass again and I want to really go but evety saturday Im very tired and Im already in bed by 6 which you can call me lazy but I started school and it's so tiring. I know it's no excuse but I feel bad. I pray and truly believe in God . Is it bad that I haven't gone to church in a long time?

回答 (6)

2016-09-11 12:18 am
Why not goto God's True Last-days Remnant Church on Sabbath morning.

You will find a Church near you, the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

The Roman Catholic Church is an apostate church and is NOT of God.
2016-09-10 10:38 pm
why not go to Methodist on sun morning after sleeping?
2016-09-10 11:21 pm
The Catholic church teaches that every Catholic has an important duty to attend mass on a Sunday (or a Saturday vigil) each week, unless there is some proper reason why they cannot. A person who deliberately misses mass without good reason, whilst knowing it is their duty to go, commits a serious (mortal) sin.

Illness and significant travel difficulties would count as proper reasons that could prevent someone from going to mass, but tiredness is not such a solid justification. I can imagine there could be cases where it would be a proper reason (eg if someone has a genuine medical condition that left them exceptionally tired, or if someone has been unavoidably busy until late on Saturday and accidentally sleeps in on Sunday morning through sheer exhaustion. But a normal level of tiredness or a habitual tiredness due to a badly planned schedule would be pretty thin excuses. Even schoolwork might have to be re-scheduled if it's making you tired and stopping you putting God first, because school only prepares you for this life - whereas mass prepares you for eternity.

If you want to start going to mass again, you can start attending straight away without doing anything special. But before you start receiving communion again you must go to confession. Going to confession is a good thing in any case (and Catholics have a duty to go at least once a year) but it is especially important if you have been staying away from mass or may have committed any other mortal sin. St Paul wrote about the danger of receiving communion unworthily (1 Corinthians 11:27), and that is why it is important to reconcile yourself to God through confession before you encounter Him in Holy Communion.

Although confession is mostly about being restored to God's grace and receiving forgiveness for sin, it can also be a good chance to ask the priest questions when you are not sure about whether something is OK or not. In you case, I suggest you explain to him why you have been missing mass and ask him for advice on whether your tiredness is a sufficient reason or not. He will be better able to advise you than strangers on the internet who don't know enough about your specific circumstances.
2016-09-10 10:19 pm
That is up to you, whether it is bad or good. No one can make a judgement call like that on your behalf. You have to look inside yourself to find that answer. I do know tho, that if you want to be faithful to your religion, then you are going to have to make a decision as to just how faithful you want to be. If you are supposed to go to mass, then, make the choice to do so and don't make excuses to not make the effort.
2016-09-10 10:08 pm
2016-09-10 10:19 pm
Since god does not exist there's no reason at all to go to church. Don't give it another thought.

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