Please read! Serious?

2016-09-10 6:53 pm
My boyfriend is Indian and Hindu. Apparently he and his family follow strongly follow their religion. His grandfather recently passed away, and they had the cremation ceremony for him, my boyfriend had to shave his head, and now he is bathing in the Ganges River. How do I adapt to this?

回答 (14)

2016-09-10 7:15 pm
You are so lucky. My Christian and Buddhist family members tried to murder me 18 times, and burglarized me and robbed me many times.
2016-09-10 9:45 pm
It doesn't sound like something someone would find very hard to adapt to. People have all kinds of rituals and practices in their cultures and this is just another one of them.
2016-09-10 9:31 pm
you just accept that that is their beliefs, but you are not obligated to do anything either way, other than support him the best you can...
2016-09-10 8:43 pm
You could always study his religion and learn about it. His hair will grow back in time. Hopefully the bath in the Ganges is a one-time thing. But ask him more about it.
2016-09-10 7:52 pm
"How do I adapt to this?" Do you want to adapt? Should you have to?

Will he be adapting to you celebrating Christmas and Easter?

He'll probably want (and his parents will probably insist) that any future kids are raised Hindu. Is that ok with you?

Asian mother in laws are notoriously nosy, pushy and domineering. Are you prepared for that?

Think long and hard before yoking yourself with a radically different religion and culture.
參考: Kenzie
2016-09-10 7:02 pm
You need to read about Hinduism to try and understand.
Tradition, culture and religion are part of respecting the world we live in.
If it seems a bit strange and its only because its unfamiliar.
I embrace our differences and love our commonalities.
2016-09-10 6:58 pm
Study his religion to better understand it.
2016-09-10 7:02 pm
don't bath in ganges it's dirty.
2016-09-10 6:57 pm
The Ganges is one of the most polluted rivers in the world. Please tell him to stop being a dumbass.
2016-09-10 6:54 pm
Plug your nose and don't blow him for a while.
2016-09-10 6:59 pm
If he is very religious and you are not just dump him
2016-09-10 7:04 pm
Talk to him, tell him you're having trouble getting used to these things.
2016-09-10 6:54 pm
he suppose to drink also the gange river.
2016-09-10 7:04 pm
Cremation is devil worship. Go to Ural Mountains. Chinese will not get past Ural because Tsar Nicholas 2 was murdered by Jews there.

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