guys i have a 3 inch dick first time me and my girlfriend were gonna do it she just laughed and left help please?

2016-09-10 7:37 am

回答 (21)

2016-09-10 7:55 am
how can you have a 3 inch dick?
2016-09-11 3:25 pm
If she laughed because of the size of your penis, she is not worth your time and trouble. You can definitely bring great pleasure to someone with a penis that is 3 inches.
2016-09-11 12:04 pm
Don't worry, someday you'll find a girlfriend who will love you for who you are and pretend that your size doesn't matter.
2016-09-11 12:37 pm
don't let the size be a problem if she laughs she is not whorth it or she is testing you (but that girl left so she just is not worth it) i heard girls do that so if a girl laugh about it but does not leave do one of those things
1 make a joke about the size (like sorry it is swollen) this might show you are not ashamed so that might makes her like you even more but only do this if you are a funny tipe
2 just say something like : hey i had to find balance between (a good part of you) and my penis that is a joke too but it is difrent kind but it has the same effect she wil see you are not ashamed
2016-09-10 7:51 am
Simple. Get a lot of alcohol and drink the sadness away. Also, be prepared for a hangover. I like boiling bourbon with atomic fireballs. It really gets rid of hangovers. Trust me.
2016-09-14 8:26 am
It's not the length you want, it's the width. Something to caress the walls with.
2016-09-13 8:06 pm
I would make sure the lights were cut off before having sex with the next woman you meet.
Hopefully it will be with your wife.
2016-09-13 5:22 pm
Hey man,

It is ok. Maybe she was not the one for you. she was a *****(sorry to say). don't worry time will pass and you will get someone, who will appreicate you, as the way you are my friend.

Don't be sad.

(Try to find some dick exercises on internet, maybe it can help you)... I am not making fun of you.
2016-09-12 3:05 pm
If the facts are right as we are told its only the first 2" to 3" thats needs for a female to get pregnant so I would say that your ex girlfriend doesnt know to many things
2016-09-12 1:08 am
Shight like that is why some men rape. Eat out the next girl.

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