Why does my mom act like the whole world s against her?

2016-09-10 4:28 am
First off, she is negative about everything.
My school, driving, TV, you name it. Also, every time someone even slightly disagrees with her, she gets, to put it bluntly, pissed.
I tried to have a reasonable conversation with her, but she just started to tone me out. When I pushed a bit farther, she started saying stuff like, "You know what? I ll just spend the day at grandma s grave alone." And other personal stuff.
I know I can t change a person, but is there anyway to get her to see other s perspectives?? Thanks in advance.

回答 (2)

2016-09-10 9:55 pm
sounds like shes angry about her mom being dead and is taking her anger out on you
2016-09-10 5:33 am
I can relate to this so much...my mom is also like this if you even piss her off a little bit she goes off and you can can never disagree with her, its always her way or the highway...and its impossible to reason with her because whatever you say to her goes in one ear and comes out the other. Your mom is probably just stressed and she has some things she is unhappy about in life at the moment, the best thing to do when she acts negative is just to just ignore her, and disagree with her when she gets negative, but stop when she starts complaining and acting phsyco. Also you have to start asking her questions like Why are you Negative all the time it will realy get her to think and whenever she has an attitude, you have to not put up with it and ignore her. Try to make her more happier also...maybe she is depressed or something nd try an cheer her up be a good child

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