Why am I only gaining weight in my face and how do I get rid of it?

2016-09-10 3:58 am
I've gained weight. But only a few pounds. It seems as though it's all gone to my face. My cheeks are chu by and I'm getting a double chin. How do I lose weight in my face?

回答 (2)

2016-09-10 1:58 pm
You might want to get away from "heavy"meals, such as a steak or a lot of carbs like bread or so... also drink a lot more watrr and spread it evenly throughout the day.

Keep in mind that this might be a sign of your body changing, which means you might not lose it.
2016-09-10 4:05 am
Whenever you gain of lose weight it is from all over your body, but the gain or loss shows up on your face first.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:44:04
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