Why are some people on yahoo answers so aggressive and rude?

2016-09-10 2:02 am

回答 (10)

2016-09-10 2:11 am
I don't know why would they want to hurt somebody for no reason at all. I'm depressed and sometimes I get an answer on yahoo so rude/aggressive towards me that I just want to end it all. Some people just don't realize that with their words they can kill somebody or maybe that's exactly what they want ;(
2016-09-10 2:33 am
Because they are trolls, and hide behind their computers to be hurtful and cruel to others.
2016-09-10 2:12 am
Because people want to let their frustration out on yahoo answers. Yahoo answers was a lot better back in 2010. Nowadays it's pissed off people giving barely any answer at all or coming on here to laugh at someone's tragedies.
2016-09-10 2:07 am
because we were born like that
2016-09-10 2:05 am
Cause they get away with it. I agree btw ;)
2016-09-10 2:06 am
2016-09-10 9:23 pm
because of their socialization
2016-09-10 4:57 am
Anonymity is a powerful weapon.
2016-09-10 3:36 am
I think a lot of times it depends on the question.
2016-09-10 2:23 am
I dunno, fam. All I know I just ignore there answer, and shrug it off. I just came back on here after missing two years or a year.

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