英文作文題目:Do i want to be famous
回答 (2)
do i want to be famous?
that is everything I ever dreamed.
Imagine first audition after college I get the lead.
all the fame sounds existing,right?
Personal stylist, agent and a publicist
winning a part is not enough,i gotta be a superstar!
just think bigger,cause bigger is better!
A little bit is never enough
Don't you want the fame?
yes,i want it!
The fame,the fortune ,the love and more
i gotta have my star on the door
i want the world nothing less, all the glam and the press
Only giving me the best review.
i want My name in lights at Carnegie Hall
Red carpet, rose bouquets,
fans and paparazzi crowd waiting back stage
Invitations, standing ovations and the oscar goes to me!
i gonna be a celebrity!
Times Square, jet setters, sequels
asia today, tomorrow the world!!
i gotta be standing in the spotlight.
i know i wanna be famous!
P.S. fame is not good or bad, it is just a tool.do good things with fame,then it's good.do bad things with fame,it's evil. so don't be evil
----------------English Composition-Do I want to be famous.-------------
---When once my teacher and/or some boy friends ask whether I want to be famous ,I would answer in the positive.
---Of course every girl wants to be very well known for her special ability, quality, characteristic portrayal, a representation or description ,for a famous actress in the TVB.. .I want to be famous, well-known, distinguished, eminent that ought to go to visit the TV station roadside for the famous stars coming off duty. I also want to be famous for some serious work in the art as artist in show business.
---Notorious means I am famous for portraying something bad for my evil acts and deeds in the TV station drama and programmes.. Infamous can become famous in the literary sense in the station.. A famous film star and /or singer may come to live in usa and visit Canada to earn money by singing concerts, like my predecessors did !
---Something formerly not in my mind, , but which has now been changed for for something else ,would mean I shall be /or I want to be famous..I may fail in Law&Medicine courses. I can do very good, excellent in the staff training course TVB.I like to be widely talked about and or/ remembered to be a famous person .I've always been blessed with fame ,when I won overnight fame, with my first anything.(200 words)
收錄日期: 2021-04-30 21:52:57
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