Why do people hate Ann Coulter?

2016-09-09 10:15 am
I honestly don't know anything about her other than that she is a conservative. THe roast of Rob Lowe the other night honestly turned into the roast of Ann Coulter and they were pretty brutal. One guy even said she should basically kill herself. Whats the deal?

回答 (7)

2016-09-09 10:19 am
She's evil
2016-09-09 10:17 am
They were trying to make her laugh, the odd thing was that everybody got excited about getting roasted, and she barely cracked a smile, it was almost as if she didn't understand what a roast is.

Why Ann Coulter is so controversial is because she likes to promote outrageous ideas, and very extreme, polarizing subjects, so she plays up the love/hate angle.
2016-09-09 1:01 pm
of all the gutter-dwelling c0n "hosts" and "pundits," she's the lowest and most juvenile, and panders for approval w her sick, instant grin
2016-09-09 12:18 pm
“Why do people hate Ann Coulter so much?” was the topic of a Yahoo answers thread from eight years ago!

In that post, responders provided a link to the list of reasons hatred for Ann Coulter runs deep.

“She plagiarized portions of her book. Fake writer, fake ideas.
She has no sense of history. So she invents it.
She lies to cover the fact she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
She claimed that 9/11 widows were being whiny broads, who enjoyed their husbands’ deaths.
She’s anti-semitic.
She called John Edwards a *****.”

There’s even a Facebook page titled I Really Hate Ann Coulter that is solely dedicated to, you guessed it, hating Ann Coulter.

If that wasn’t bad enough, there is also a book, an actual book, that can be purchased on Amazon for $10.99, entitled I Hate Ann Coulter. In the description of the product, potential buyers can read about how the book itself was written as a tool for getting rid of Ann Coulter altogether.

“At first we thought she was amusing. Disrespectful? Yes. But that mouth of hers was sassy, and we kind of liked it. Unfortunately, she turned out to be a fatal attraction, a political “bunny boiler.” By the time she insulted the 9/11 widows, we were over her — the Cult of Coulter wasn’t funny anymore.”

“I Hate Ann Coulter! is the first step toward ridding ourselves — as a country — of Ann Coulter. By examining her life and writings, interviewing high school classmates who remember Ann when she was a chubby brunette (presumably before she sold her soul to be thin, blond, and pure evil), and chronicling her ‘Black Tuesday’ (6/6/06) Today show appearance, when she stopped pushing the envelope and simply set it on fire, we hope to do our part to put her in her place once and for all.”


Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/3462638/why-do-people-hate-ann-coulter-the-roast-of-rob-lowe-marks-open-season-on-in-trump-we-trust-author/#EYMDE9EzAZMqeAR4.99
2016-09-09 11:28 am
That is pretty much all you have to know about someone to hate them these days. Since the overwhelming majority of the media and pop-culture is controlled by the left, it isn't fashionable to wear the label 'conservative' as a badge of honor, if you haven't noticed. For no other reason than being an out spoken female conservative, she is reviled and vilified by the liberal elite. You actually get it worse from the left if you're a female conservative, because it not a surprise if you're a white male, but if you are a women or an minority you're seen as a traitor against the party that is supposed to be for those groups.

I am actually speaking from experience, as a black, former liberal (I guess formerly black too, in some on the left's eyes), who held a negative view of Ann Coulter for politically biased reasons. I first recognized her from regular appearances on the Bill Maher show on HBO, back in the first few years when it was new. I long since grew up a learned not to play sides, and it was around that time I was beginning to be open to listening to other views that weren't my own. I started watching FOX News and other stations besides the ones that fell in line with my affiliation, and started to rethink my political views for a whole host of reasons.

I became more familiar with Coulter and her views. I've seen many of her appearances on CSPAN, where she goes much deeper into her views, who she is, and where she comes from. I actually find her quite likeable and charming, I don't completely agree with everything she believe or her way of going about resolving the issues we agree upon, but she is definitely not the person the left makes her out to be. They hate her so much they don't even recognize when she agrees with them and sometimes makes their point. I noticed that she is very savvy, and has mastered how to get under the left's skin (I guess that is why Maher respected and befriended her).

She really welcomes taking on liberals in a debate, as many on the right do. Her shots at the left are pretty witty and intelligent, and not just insults and name calling, which is what she gets all the time. Most of them are of how liberals are really good at being liberals, in an ironic way. She does give them credit for some admirable traits, but believes many on the left are playing on the wrong side. I think this is a pretty fair an honest assessment, having seeing it from both side and all. I think if you really want to know see for yourself what she is like or if you agree with the haters.

CSPAN.org is probably your best source since it is not politically affiliated, nor promotes either side.
2016-09-09 10:28 am
People LOVE her
Democrats are NOT PEOPLE.
2016-09-09 10:19 am
Two reasons. She is white and she is a lesbian

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