Is it unreasonable to ask for an alternative to public school in my situation?

2016-09-09 8:19 am
I have PTSD from being abused by my father, and school has many triggers(? Tumblr ruined that word) like yelling terrifies me, sometimes touching terrifies me, and I m constantly nervous around people. It doesn t help that I have no friends because I can t really connect to people because I m wary of them. It gets progressively worse every year. Am I selfish to ask my mom if I can finish high school a different way so I can focus on myself, recovery, and my education because in school I dissociate and am to nervous to pay attention. I think it will be a benefit to my education and mental health but I feel like a failure and ***** for asking.

回答 (2)

2016-09-09 10:06 am
Everything here depends on your present mental health conditions, physical fitness and age.
參考: own
2016-09-09 8:22 am
your life your live it your way so why would that be selfish

the school system does not fit for some people
there are lots of other options such as doing online studies like distance education home schooling etc

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