Dealing with Road Rage?

2016-09-09 1:13 am
I put a 40 caliber semi automatic handgun, and 14, 40 caliber bullets in my back window...
along with a home made bumper sticker on my back window, saying...
"Come on monkey boy, get road rage..
There is another in my glove compartment, and its loaded".


回答 (2)

2016-09-09 1:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Looks like you are begging to go to prison.
2016-09-09 1:19 am
You are either a liar or an idiot, my money is on both.
2016-09-09 1:51 pm
The facility they place you in for observation will probably not be very pleasant.
2016-09-09 1:28 am
That's a damn good way to get your worthless butt pulled over and arrested! Ever heard of a TERRORISTIC THREAT?

I would say "think" about it but you are too stupid TO THINK!

reported moron!!!!

hope the f*ck your piece of sh*t butt is happy!
2016-09-09 1:24 am
That was really nice of you. Doing this warns anyone who has an issue with your punk stupid driving stunts to simply wait until you are at a red light - then - they can easily shoot you in the head.

Never mind that most people who own guns try to avoid confrontation and making themselves into a big target. The world, and the local funeral parlor, always have room for someone who want to be the 'bad example' the rest learn from.

Might be nice to have a decent insurance policy........ say at least $5 million - and be sure to name family, friends, and even a local church or schootwol in your will. This way your well paid off family and friends will kindly remember you as someone cut down in the prime of life - as someone who always thought of others. No insurance - you'll just be forgotten.
2016-09-09 2:19 am
The OFFICER that pulls you over for ILLEGALLY transporting a firearm WILL have their gun drawn when the approach your car. Even with a CCW, it is NOT legal to have a firearm unsecured in the rear window.
On the other hand, C T M is correct, you would probably be turned down by most gun dealers.
2016-09-10 2:48 am
You want to kill someone over cutting you off? Are you a maniac?
2016-09-09 2:46 am
You are either a blow hard, stupid or a troll

Then again you could be all three which makes you a blooming idiot

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