Why do people like tennis so much?

2016-09-09 12:37 am
It's boring as hell

回答 (23)

2016-09-09 12:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
I honestly don't know, it's just a bigger version of ping pong.
2016-09-09 1:18 am
I love watching Tennis because it is such a grueling individual sport but the players are so graceful.
2016-09-09 7:03 pm
Its a very difficult sport to learn and it requires a lot of coordination. You can't just be a hack and get good. Takes a lot of time and dedication. So, impatient, low intelligence type people aren't able to comprehend it. Answers isn't really going to help you figure it out.
2016-09-09 1:19 pm
I might ask why do people like football (or soccer if you prefer). That bores me to tears too. At least tennis players have to use their HEADS - more than can be said about some other sport.
2016-09-27 2:32 pm
Tennis is an AWESOME sport. It's great for both getting physically fit and social activity.
2016-09-10 7:44 am
It's a sport for with a brain.
Not idiots, who only care about physical contact.
2016-09-20 4:21 pm
The game that most people call tennis is the direct descendant of what is now known as real tennis or royal tennis (which continues to be played today
2016-09-12 4:31 am
Ping Pong
2016-09-11 6:59 am
I see
2016-09-10 8:58 pm
People who like hitting the ball with a racket will like tennis.
2016-09-10 9:28 am

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