Anxiety over peanuts?

2016-09-08 10:56 pm
Lately ive been having alot of anxiety of what I eat. Whenever I eat something without reading the food label I freak out and its been making the past few weeks unbearable. I was wondering if peanut reactions were instant or how long can they last until I know that im safe. Also I have eaten foods that said may contain but nothing has happened to me but im still scared to eat those foods now even though I have eaten them before just fine. Please help

回答 (3)

2016-09-09 10:54 pm
If you had a life-threatening food allergy, you would know you were reacting pretty much instantaneously. You are fine. Stop obsessing.
2016-09-09 12:32 am
Are you actually allergic to peanuts? If you've never had an allergic reaction you won't suddenly have one out of the blue.
2016-09-08 11:47 pm
If you have never had a reaction to peanuts or tree nuts then you have little to worry about.
I think all the ads that you see, the news reports are causing you to be overly cautious.
If you really want to make sure that you do not have an allergy or a sensitivity consult with your doctor and see if you can see an allergist. They can then test you in a safe setting to see if you do have an allergy or sensitivity.
If you have not had reactions in the past your doctor may not think it is necessary to refer you to an allergist as the testing can be expensive.

If you have an allergy the reaction would be felt right away. Most noticeable would be a swelling of the throat making it difficult to breathe. Swelling of the eyes, the lips.
In very severe cases you do not even have to touch or ingest the items you are allergic to, just breathing the air can cause a reaction. Touching a doorknob after someone has had a peanut butter sandwich can cause you to react.
If you do not have an allergy and you are just having a bit of anxiety about it you can "train your brain" and consume very small quantities of the food you are worried about. Just for you peace of mind keep a product like Benedrly near by. If you do start to have a reaction, real or imagined you can take a Benedryl and that would help but not harm you like an injection would and less expensive than a call to emergency services.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:43:24
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