Who is more popular these days Barack Obama or Pres. Duterte of the Philippines?

2016-09-08 9:27 am

回答 (8)

2016-09-08 12:23 pm
Obama easy....Duterte is a murderer.
2016-09-09 12:32 am
With me? Duterte, by a country mile.
2016-09-08 10:15 am
President Duterte
2016-09-11 9:02 pm
2016-09-11 2:34 pm
I think both of them have the same popularity all over the world. Obama is known in the Philippines too even though that is Duterte's jurisdiction or territory. Duterte is gaining popularity all over the world but because of his new way of running his country...
2016-09-10 8:40 am
Duterte has over 90% approve rating in the Philippines. By the people. Obama has 100% approve rating of golf course"s. World wide. So with international aclaim Obama is.
2016-09-08 9:17 pm
obama ofcourse.....pinyo lol
2016-09-08 7:10 pm
Duterte may be famous within the Philippines, but he is gaining notoriety outside the Philippines diplomatically speaking (UN, Australia, USA, human rights activists), but maybe some fame as well (Indonesia is looking forward to copying Duterte style enforcement).

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