Can you get in trouble for talking about drugs on youtube?

2016-09-07 9:02 pm
If i were to share stories about certain drugs, would i get into any legal issues ? Even if i out out a disclaimer?

回答 (7)

2016-09-07 9:11 pm
I guess that really is not clear enough to say one way or another.

I would expect that if you are discussing the use of illicit drugs and "promoting" the cutlure, then someone is likely to complain and it will get yanked. If you are documenting exactly how to create certain drugs, especially if you actually demonstrate on camera, you may get a visit from the local police department if someone advises them about your little project.

But if you are making a video explaining how drugs ruined your life, or explaining the side effects of certain prescription drugs, that I would think would not get you in trouble. If anything that is sometimes a life lesson and a matter of public safety.
2016-09-07 9:11 pm
No. Many youtuber do that. Just don't do drugs on cam.
2016-09-07 9:06 pm
yeah, maybe. Because, it can be identified as the promotion of drugs which is illegal on youtube
2016-09-07 9:04 pm
You guys are ruining my Youtube comment section experience. I come to the Youtube comment section for mature conversation about the gameplay, only to be awarded with kappa faces and frankerzs. People who spam said faces need medical attention utmost. The Youtube comment section is serious business, and the youtubers should really raise their dongers.
2016-09-08 3:26 pm
no. You won't earn money from videos anymore tho because of the new rules.
2016-09-07 9:56 pm
It depends on the types of the drugs that your talking
2016-09-07 9:27 pm
Law enforce has been knew to troll web sites, look for information, and use it to try to build cases against people. They may use details in your postings to try to get information to find evidence and arrest you.

It is never smart to post information about illegal activites on a public site.

(And we have not yet talked about how YouTube may feel about such postings...)

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