i have muscular thighs so i find it hard to fit into skinny jeans and because i am only 151 cm (4'11) so my legs would look thick.?

2016-09-07 1:30 pm
is there anyway i can slim them down without making any other part of leg more muscled? if not then pls just tell me what exercise can help me slim my thighs down.
thank u :)

回答 (1)

2016-09-07 2:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
●so why not try some thigh highs?
●Wear medium to high heels to elongate your legs
●Make sure your skirt covers your kneecaps
I am not a fashion expert at all,My advice sucks.
But if you believe that you are really beautiful then I'm sure you are!

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