what can you tell me about section 8?

2016-09-07 4:12 am
houses or apartments, how much do i save?

回答 (4)

2016-09-07 2:18 pm
Section 8 housing is a federal government program where the federal government subsidize the payment of rent for low income families. The section 8 program will pay a percentage of your rent and you would be required to pay the other percentage.

Landlords are required to have a rental inspected in order for their rental to be listed as a HUD (section 8) approved rental.The rental could be an apartment, house, condo, coop or townhouse. Normally a list of these approved section 8 rentals is available to your by your case worker

Even though this is a nation wide program the funds are disbursed to the local county or city, thus t local administration would determine the rules and factors as to who would and would not be approved.

Some cities would have their own program set up at, or you might be required to go to a county office to make your application.

#1. Contact your local public housing agency. Visit the Housing and Urban Development website for a list of agencies in your state.

#2. Normally there is a counseling session, followed by you being speaking with a caseworker. The case worker would provide you with the application forms and instruct you in the completion of the application.

#3. Verify that you meet local eligibility requirements. Standard requirements are that applicants are citizens or legal immigrants. Income restrictions determined by household size are also available at the local agency and vary by location.

#4. Once you have completed and turned in your application, your caseworker would then provide you with a time line as to when you might be be approved or denied. If you are approved you would then be told if you would be placed on a waiting list and the approximate time your benefits would begin.

#5. If the public housing application process at your local office is closed, apply to be on the waiting list for the next available voucher.

#6. Once a voucher is issued, your housing benefits might take awhile and you would be placed on a waiting list. Again this waiting list would be determined by the area in which you reside. In some areas, the waiting list could exceed five year or more, while in certain area the wait could be a lot shorter.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2016-09-07 4:32 pm
You should be asking how many years will it take to approve me and allow me
to move in.
2016-09-07 4:19 am
You can apply for a voucher only in your county of residence and you go on a long waiting list for an apartment that fits the size of your family, i.e. 1 bdrm or 2 bdrms. You pay 1/3 of your household income as rent with extra offset for utilities. You have to stick to a certain rent amount, and you have to choose an approved and inspected property.
2016-09-07 4:15 am
How about actually asking local educated adults for actual info locally as it varies greatly.
Given u don't have a clue , u probably don't qualify to GET on the years LONG waiting list.
Local adults can explain how it works.

U don't save a dime 10cents.

Google it where you live.
參考: Builder landlord

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:26:18
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