Will this disqualify me for the job?? Please answer?

2016-09-06 11:08 pm
OK, so tomorrow I am going to a job interview for a car transporting job and it is through a temp agency. She caught me off guard honestly I originally inquired about a warehouse job, but she told me about the transporting job and I was interested. The thing is she said I must had have my license for 5 years. I told her yes. Because I honestly thought I did... Turns out I have had my license for only 4 years and 5 months. No points. No ticketd. I meet with her tomorrow. I will just tell her about the confusion. Do you think they will make an exception?

回答 (3)

2016-09-06 11:10 pm
Let the agency know about the license. Just tell the truth, you thought it was 5 years. Dont make up other nonsense.
2016-09-06 11:09 pm
Tell her and there is no way to predict if they will make an exception. But do come "clean".
2016-09-06 11:26 pm
Sadly it could cost you the job. Unless she's the CEO making the rules, she has a boss to who could take away her job for the confusion. I would suggest asking her though. Good luck.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:47:39
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