I think I could be pregnant and it's come at a really bad time?

2016-09-06 5:22 pm
I've been on the pill ever since I've been with my boyfriend 2 years and a half, I'm 20 in November and I am 4 days late.. My period isn't too heavy anyway it's always light but I've felt nothing like I usually do when it is my time of the month. I'm so so scared to even discuss anything I've been keeping it to my self, yesterday I found out that I'm being made redundant at work and obviously I'm very upset and stressed. I thought maybe this could be delaying it? Even though I only found out yesterday and it was late before that? I can't take a test I'm so nervous
He's just started a new job and he's working so hard at the moment I just can't think of any way how to tell him or even talk to him
Is there anyone who's been in this position? Obviously if I took a test and new I could actually not be pregnant but I'm just so anxious to even think about it. We were not planning on any kids not any time soon and I just don't know what to do .. Apart from obviously take a test.
Has anyone gone through this before.. If so how did you bring it up?

回答 (2)

2016-09-06 5:29 pm
MY GF experienced it .You are not Pregnant . I assure you
2016-09-06 6:40 pm
If you are stressed and upset, it could absolutely delay your period. You CAN take a test, and I suggest it. By now, your test would be accurate.

Just because you are pregnant does not mean you need to have or keep the baby. There is abortion and adoption as options. You are never stuck in the situation, but if you do choose abortion you should decide now. Before 8 weeks, you can have a medical abortion with a pill, rather than a surgery.

In the future, get yourself some birth control you trust. Using condoms AND the pill is ideal, but taking the pill alone (but perfectly) is also an option.

At 20 years old, and in a serious relationship, you SHOULD be able to talk to him about this. You aren't 16 years old. Tell him your concern and communicated. You are a grown woman. If you can't tell him this, you certainly can't parent with him.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:38:42
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